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Data Grid - Quick filter

One filter field to quickly filter grid.

Quick filter allows filtering rows by multiple columns with a single text input.

By default, the quick filter considers the input as a list of values separated by space and keeps only rows that contain all the values.

The quick filter is displayed by default when showToolbar is passed to the <DataGrid/> component. See the Quick Filter component for examples on how to add the quick filter to a custom toolbar.

Rows per page:

1–35 of 35

Initialize the quick filter values

The quick filter values can be initialized by setting the filter.filterModel.quickFilterValues property of the initialState prop.

    filter: {
      filterModel: {
        items: [],
        quickFilterValues: ['Disney', 'Star'],

Rows per page:

1–3 of 3

Including hidden columns

By default, the quick filter excludes hidden columns.

To include hidden columns in the quick filter, set filterModel.quickFilterExcludeHiddenColumns to false:

    filter: {
      filterModel: {
        items: [],
        quickFilterExcludeHiddenColumns: false,

In the demo below, the company column is hidden. You'll only see 5 results because rows where the company value is 'Warner Bros.' are excluded. However, when you disable the Exclude hidden columns switch, the rows containing 'Warner' in the company field will be displayed again, even though the column remains hidden.

Rows per page:

1–5 of 5

Custom filtering logic

The logic used for quick filter can be switched to filter rows that contain at least one of the values specified instead of testing if it contains all of them. To do so, set quickFilterLogicOperator to GridLogicOperator.Or as follow:

  filter: {
    filterModel: {
      items: [],
      quickFilterLogicOperator: GridLogicOperator.Or,

With the default settings, quick filter will only consider columns with types 'string','number', and 'singleSelect'.

  • For 'string' and 'singleSelect' columns, the cell's formatted value must contain the value
  • For 'number' columns, the cell's formatted value must equal the value

To modify or add the quick filter operators, add the property getApplyQuickFilterFn to the column definition. This function is quite similar to getApplyFilterFn. This function takes as an input a value of the quick filter and returns another function that takes the cell value as an input and returns true if it satisfies the operator condition.

In the example below, a custom filter is created for the date column to check if it contains the correct year.

const getApplyQuickFilterFn: GetApplyQuickFilterFn<any, unknown> = (value) => {
  if (!value || value.length !== 4 || !/\d{4}/.test(value)) {
    // If the value is not a 4 digit string, it cannot be a year so applying this filter is useless
    return null;
  return (cellValue) => {
    if (cellValue instanceof Date) {
      return cellValue.getFullYear() === Number(value);
    return false;

To remove the quick filtering on a given column set getApplyQuickFilterFn: () => null.

In the demo below, the column "Name" is not searchable with the quick filter, and 4 digits figures will be compared to the year of column "Created on."

Rows per page:

0–0 of 0

Parsing values

The values used by the quick filter are obtained by splitting the input string with space. If you want to implement a more advanced logic, the quick filter accepts a custom parser. This function takes the quick filter input string and returns an array of values.

If you control the quickFilterValues either by controlling filterModel or with the initial state, the content of the input must be updated to reflect the new values. By default, values are joint with spaces. You can customize this behavior by providing a custom formatter. This formatter can be seen as the inverse of the parser.

For example, the following parser allows to search words containing a space by using the ',' to split values.

// Default toolbar:
    toolbar: {
      quickFilterProps: {
        quickFilterParser: (searchInput) => searchInput.split(',').map((value) => value.trim()),
        quickFilterFormatter: (quickFilterValues) => quickFilterValues.join(', '),
        debounceMs: 200, // time before applying the new quick filter value

// Custom quick filter:
  parser={(searchInput) => searchInput.split(',').map((value) => value.trim())}
  formatter={(quickFilterValues) => quickFilterValues.join(', ')}
  debounceMs={200} // time before applying the new quick filter value
  {/* ... */}

In the following demo, the quick filter value "Saint Martin, Saint Lucia" will return rows with country is Saint Martin or Saint Lucia.

Rows per page:

0–0 of 0

Ignore diacritics (accents)

In some languages, the letters can have diacritics (accents) - for instance, the letter é in French. By default, these letters are considered different from their non-accented versions when filtering.

To ignore diacritics, set the ignoreDiacritics prop to true:

<DataGrid ignoreDiacritics />

Disable quick filter

The quick filter can be removed from the toolbar by setting slotProps.toolbar.showQuickFilter to false:

<DataGrid slotProps={{ toolbar: { showQuickFilter: false } }} />